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Ulstèr Inglis

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Ulstèr Inglis (Lallans: Ulster Inglis), ca'aed Norlin-Hiberno Inglis or Norlin Airish Inglis forbye, is the Inglis thon is spak ïn Ulstèr.[1] Ït wus influenced bae tha Airish leid an tha Scotch leid, thon wus kerriet til Airlann ïn tha 16 an 17th hunnèrs.

History[eedit | eedit soorce]

Auld Inglis an Anglo-Norman wur brung til Airlann whan tha Normans wur invading Airlann. These dialects wud growe intae tha Forth an Bargy dialect an Fingallian, baith spak ïn the sooth-eastren pairt of tha islan. Eftèr tha Tudor conquest o Airlann, Early Modren Inglis stairted til be taakit in the islan. This dialect o Inglis wud influence, maist o tha dialects ïn tha area, maist notably Mid-Ulstèr Inglis.

Dialect[eedit | eedit soorce]

Tha approximate borders as shown in

Mid-Ulstèr Inglis[eedit | eedit soorce]

Frae the west o Dunnygal til the east o Doun, Mid-Ulstèr Inglis is affen ca'aed the standard dialect o Ulstèr Inglis.[2] Ït is oreeginally frae the 17th hunnèr an is affen referred as a mïx o Airish, Scotch, an Inglis.[3]

Ulstèr-Scotch[eedit | eedit soorce]

Tha Ulstèr-Scotch dialect, spak ïn pairts o norlin Coontie Antrim an east Coontie Lunnonderry, haes a muckle influence frae tha Ulstèr-Scotch leid. Mony vocabulary ïs seemlar tae thit o Ulstèr-Scotch.[4]

Sooth Ulstèr Inglis[eedit | eedit soorce]

Sooth Ulstèr Inglis, spak ïn the sooth of Norlin Airlann, is tha dialect atween Mid-Ulstèr Inglis an Hiberno-Inglis. Ït haes a strang Airish influence.

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. Mieth, Wilfried (18 Apryle 2013). Varieties of English. Northern Irish English: Located between Hiberno-English and Ulster Scots (in Inglis). GRIN Verlag. pp. 3–4. ISBN 978-3-656-41407-0.
  2. Г, Ніколенко А. Лексикологія англійської мови – теорія і практика. [англ.].: Навчальний посібник для ВНЗ (in Inglis). Нова Книга. pp. 362–363. ISBN 978-966-382-076-7.
  3. Maguire, Warren (21 September 2020). Language and Dialect Contact in Ireland: The Phonological Origins of Mid-Ulster English (in Inglis). Edinburgh University Press. pp. 10–11. ISBN 978-1-4744-5293-9.
  4. "A Test for Ulster-Scots". Ulster Scots Language Society. Retrieved 30 Julie 2023.